About the Bundesverband für Menschen mit Arm- oder Beinamputation e.V. (BMAB)
The „Bundesverband für Menschen mit Arm- oder Beinamputation e.V. – BMAB“‚ is the Federal Amputee’s Association of Germany. We are glad to help amputees from all regions. However we have sometimes difficulties answering requests which are not in English or German. If you contact us via email we will find a suitable person to answer your request.
One of the objectives of the Bundesverband für Menschen mit Arm- oder Beinamputation e.V. is to represent our members and all other amputees to government, social insurance, industry, and the world. The Bundesverband für Menschen mit Arm- oder Beinamputation e.V. is a national, non-profit amputee organization representing people who have experienced amputation or are born with limb differences. The Bundesverband für Menschen mit Arm- oder Beinamputation e.V. includes individual amputees, support groups for amputees, professionals, family members and friends of amputees, amputation or limb loss related agencies, and organizations. The Bundesverband für Menschen mit Arm- oder Beinamputation e.V. was incorporated in 2009 and is governed by a Board of Directors , all of whom are amputees. All members of the board work on a volontary basis.
The Bundesverband für Menschen mit Arm- oder Beinamputation e.V. is member of the newly founded International Confederation of Amputee Associations – IC2A .
If you represent a national amputee’s organisation please visit ic2a.eu for more information on a full membership in the ic2a.
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